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Chaos Engineering Certifications

Discover how your applications stand up to real-world failure scenarios. Gain insights to construct a resilient system that minimizes downtime and saves on costs.
Harness Certified Expert - DeveloperHarness Certified Expert - AdministratorHarness Certified Expert - Architect
  • For Developers
  • For Administrators
  • For Architects

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Chaos Engineering - Developer

Harness Certified Expert - Chaos Engineering DeveloperProduct version: Harness Chaos Engineering Free/Team Plans

Review Study Guide

Assesses the fundamental skills to implement chaos in your applications.
Understanding Harness Chaos Engineering (CE)
Introduction to Chaos Engineering, importance of using chaos engineering in your application, and the basic concepts.Overview
Harness CE architecture
Anatomy of a Chaos experiment in Harness CE that gives information about key concepts such as chaos experiment, chaos fault, probes, and resilience score.Terminologies
Overview of architecture and components, such as the control plane and the execution plane.Architecture
Connecting to Harness CE using Chaos infrastructuresConnect chaos infrastructure
Key features of Harness CE
Harness CE Resilience Probes and how they help assess the reliability of the application due to unplanned failures.Resilience probes
ChaosGuard in Harness CE and how it can be used to safeguard your experiments.ChaosGuard
Chaos dashboards in Harness CE and how they can be used to create custom visualization to better understand your data.Chaos dashboard
Run chaos experiments on various platforms
Kubernetes chaos faults in Harness CEKubernetes faults
AWS chaos faults in Harness CEAWS faults
Azure chaos faults in Harness CEAzure faults
GCP chaos faults in Harness CEGCP faults

Exam Details

The Chaos Engineering Developer exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Chaos Engineering module.


  • Basic terminal skills

Exam Details

Exam Duration: 60 mins (knowledge exam) + 60 mins (hands on learning)
Question Type: Multiple choice + Hands on Learning

Covered DomainPercentage
Run chaos experiments35%
Understand Harness CE Architecture.30%
Key features of Harness CE25%
Basics of Harness chaos engineering10%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Understanding Harness Chaos Engineering (CE)
1.1Introduction to Chaos Engineering and generic concepts
2.1Anatomy of a Chaos Experiment in Harness CE
2.2Harness CE Architecture
2.3Connecting to Harness CE using Chaos Infrastructures
3Key features of Harness CE
3.1Harness CE Resilience Probes
3.2Chaos guard in Harness CE
3.3Chaos dashboards in Harness CE
4Run chaos experiments on various platforms
4.1Kubernetes chaos faults in Harness CE
4.2AWS chaos faults in Harness CE
4.3Azure chaos faults in Harness CE
4.4GCP chaos faults in Harness CE

Next Steps

The Chaos Engineering Developer exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow up to 90 mins for the exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Register for the exam
  3. Take the exam

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Chaos Engineering - Administrator (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert -Chaos Engineering AdministratorProduct version: Harness Chaos Engineering Enterprise Plan

Coming Soon...

Assesses the fundamental skills to deploy and maintain CE projects and the overall Harness Platform.

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Get Certified | Harness Expert

Chaos Engineering - Architect (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert - Chaos Engineering ArchitectProduct version: Harness Chaos Engineering Enterprise Plan

Coming Soon...

Assess key technical job functions and advanced skills in design, implementation and management of CE.