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Continuous Delivery & GitOps Certifications

Eliminate scripting and manual deployments with Argo CD-as-a-Service and powerful, easy-to-use pipelines. Empower your teams to deliver new features, faster – with AI/ML for automated canary and blue/green deployments, advanced verification, and intelligent rollback.
Harness Certified Expert - DeveloperHarness Certified Expert - AdministratorHarness Certified Expert - Architect
  • For Developers
  • For Administrators
  • For Architects

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Get Certified | Harness Expert

Continuous Delivery & GitOps - Developer

Harness Certified Expert - CD & GitOps DeveloperProduct version: Harness CD & GitOps Free/Team Plans

Review Study Guide

Assesses the fundamental skills to deploy your applications with CD & GitOps projects.
1. Application Architectures and Services for Deployment
Define Continuous DeliveryCD overview and key concepts
DelegatesDelegate overview
Service OverridesServices and environments overview
Artifact/Kubernetes Manifest SourcesHarness Kubernetes Services
OverridesPropagate and Override CD Services
2. Swimlanes
Services and EnvironmentsServices and environments overview
Infrastructure and EnvironmentsKubernetes Infrastructure
SSH DeploymentsSecure Shell (SSH) deployment tutorial
Blue/Green DeploymentsCreate a Kubernetes Blue Green Deployment
Canary DeploymentsCreate a Kubernetes Canary Deployment
3. Continuous Delivery
BarriersSynchronize Parallel Stages and Step Groups
Conditional ExecutionStage and Step Conditional Execution Settings
StepsUse looping strategies
Looping StrategiesBest Practices for Looping Strategies
Terraform ProviderHarness Terraform Provider overview
Cloud Formation ProviderCloudFormation How-tos
Git TriggerTriggers
WebhooksTrigger Pipelines using Git Events
API TriggersGet started with Harness APIs
Policy as CodePolicy as Code Overview
Kubernetes SidecarsAdd a Kubernetes Sidecar Container
Failure StrategiesDefine a Failure Strategy on Stages and Steps
4. Continuous Verification
APM/Log Based VerificationVerify Deployments with the Verify Step
Validate DeploymentsContinuous Verification
HTTP Execution ChecksHTTP step reference
5. GitOps
GitOps BasicsHarness GitOps Basics
Install GitOps AgentHarness CD GitOps Tutorial
6. Data Visibility
Describe DashboardsOverview and Service dashboards
SelectorsSelect delegates with delegate selectors and tags
Tagging and LabelingSelect delegates with delegate selectors and tags
7. Security
Role Based Access ControlRBAC in Harness

Exam Details

The Continuous Delivery Developer exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Continuous Delivery module.


  • Basic terminal skills
  • Basic understanding of on premise or cloud architecture

Exam Details

Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Question Type: Multiple choice

Covered DomainPercentage
Understanding and Configuring Deployment Architectures10%
Exploring Kubernetes Deployment & Manifests15%
Deployment Environment Configuration10%
Application Tagging and Deployment Strategies15%
Mastering Continuous Delivery20%
Diving into Continuous Verification10%
Leveraging GitOps10%
Gaining Data Visibility5%
Ensuring Security5%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Understanding and Configuring Deployment Architectures
1.1Define what deployment means and what makes it continuous.
1.2Explain different application architectures.
1.3Identify the necessary artifacts, manifests, and services for a deployment.
2Exploring Kubernetes Deployment & Manifests
2.1Understand the purpose and use of Kubernetes manifests (flat file, helm, etc.)
2.2Identify and configure overrides for service variables (secrets, non-secrets).
2.3Understand the concept of basic, rolling, canary, and blue/green deployments.
3Deployment Environment Configuration
3.1Understand and set up environments for your Kubernetes deployment, including Prod and Non-prod.
3.2Describe and configure infrastructure definitions and overrides for an environment.
4Application Tagging and Deployment Strategies
4.1Learn about tagging, labeling, identifiers, and their uses.
4.2Understand and configure rolling, canary, and blue/green deployments for different application types.
5Mastering Continuous Delivery
5.1Automate deployments in your environment.
5.2Identify pre-deployment steps and set up triggers.
5.3Describe and configure Policy as Code, ticketing, documentation, fetching process, approval process, and failure strategies.
6Diving into Continuous Verification
6.1Identify deployment verification types.
6.2Understand verification through deployment logs and deployment health checks.
6.3Monitor server health and execution checks during a deployment.
7Leveraging GitOps
7.1Explain the principles, use cases, and benefits of GitOps.
7.2Install the GitOps agent and connect your Kubernetes cluster and application repository to Harness.
7.3Set up an application in Harness using GitOps.
8Gaining Data Visibility
8.1Describe dashboards.
8.2Configure notifications, alerts, and tagging and labeling for governance and reporting.
9Ensuring Security
9.1Understand two-factor authentication (2FA).
9.2Describe Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and built-in roles.

Next Steps

The Continuous Delivery Developer exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow up to 90 mins for the exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Register for an exam
  3. Take the exam

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Get Certified | Harness Expert

Continuous Delivery & GitOps - Administrator

Harness Certified Expert - CD & GitOps AdministratorProduct version: Harness CD & GitOps Enterprise Plan

Review Study Guide

Assesses the fundamental skills to deploy and maintain CD & GitOps projects and the overall Harness Platform. This exam builds upon the Continuous Delivery & GitOps Developer Certification.
1. Deployment Management with Harness CD
Understanding the mechanisms of Kubernetes deployments via Harness CDKubernetes deployments overview
Managing artifacts and manifests for application deploymentCD artifact sources
Handling deployment issues and implementing troubleshooting strategiesDeployment concepts and strategies
2. Delegate and Infrastructure Management
Configuring Harness Delegates for specific tasksConfigure delegate metrics
Implementing best practices for delegate installationLearn delegate concepts
Ensuring effective logging and communication from Harness DelegatesDelegate overview
3. Implementing and Managing Canary and Traditional Deployments
Setting up and managing Kubernetes Canary deploymentsCreate a Kubernetes Canary deployment
Utilizing Harness CD features for deploymentsCD steps, stages, and strategies
Addressing deployment issuesMonitor deployments and services in CD dashboards
4. Effective Use of Harness Expressions and Variables
Using Harness expressions and variables within deploymentsExtracting characters from Harness variable expressions
Managing and referring service variables at runtimeServices and environments basics
5. Harness Configuration Management and Parameter Control
Managing parameters securely using HarnessKubernetes steps timeouts and deadline parameters
Understanding and implementing values overridesAdd and override values YAML files
Handling Helm Chart parameter controlDeploy using Helm Chart
6. Secure and Efficient Artifact Management
Onboarding new applications using Harness CDOnboarding guide
Integrating Harness with artifact repositoriesConnect to an Artifact repository
7. Implementing and Utilizing GitOps with Harness
Understanding and addressing drift between Git and deployed workloadsMonitor deployments and services in CD dashboards
Managing Harness Git Experience for different entitiesHarness Git Experience quickstart
8. Implementing and Managing Secret Management
Integrating Harness with different Secrets ManagersUse secrets managers
Ensuring secure handling of secrets in pipelinesAdd and reference file secrets
9. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Provisioning Management
Implementing IaC principles with HarnessHarness Policy As Code overview
Troubleshooting IaC deployment issuesTroubleshooting CD
10. Harness User and Access Management
Implementing and managing user authenticationRole-based access control (RBAC) in Harness
Implementing and managing Role-Based Access Control within HarnessRole-based access control (RBAC) in Harness
11. Implementation of Policies and Governance in Deployment
Implementing deployment halts or restrictionsFreeze deployments
Managing stability during critical timesHarness Continuous Verification (CV) overview
12. Harness UI and UX Proficiency
Navigating and utilizing Harness UI for configurationsHarness UI Overview
Efficiently locating and modifying configurations within the UIAccount Settings
13. Custom and Advanced Deployment Strategies
Creating and managing custom deployment strategiesDeployment concepts and strategies
Handling deployment to various infrastructure typesDeployment concepts and strategies
14. Advanced Troubleshooting and Optimization
Implementing advanced troubleshooting steps in CD stages and pipelinesTroubleshooting CD
Optimizing delegate usage and managing workload distributionManage delegates

Exam Details

The Continuous Delivery & GitOps Administrator exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Continuous Delivery module.


Exam Details

Exam TypeDuration
Knowledge Exam90 minutes
Hands On Exam120 minutes
Covered DomainPercentage
Deployment Management and Troubleshooting15%
Delegate and Infrastructure Management10%
Deployment Strategies (Canary, Traditional, etc.)10%
Harness Expressions and Variable Management10%
Configuration Management and Parameter Control15%
Artifact and Repository Management5%
GitOps, Drift Management, and Git Integrations10%
Secret Management and Security Configurations5%
IaC, Provisioning, and Cloud Configurations10%
User, Access, and Identity Management5%
Policies, Governance, and Deployment Restrictions5%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Deployment Management with Harness CD
1.1Understanding the mechanisms of Kubernetes deployments via Harness CD
1.2Managing artifacts and manifests for application deployment
1.3Handling deployment issues and implementing troubleshooting strategies
2Delegate and Infrastructure Management
2.1Configuring Harness Delegates for specific tasks
2.2Implementing best practices for delegate installation
2.3Ensuring effective logging and communication from Harness Delegates
3Implementing and Managing Canary and Traditional Deployments
3.1Setting up and managing Kubernetes Canary deployments
3.2Utilizing Harness CD features for deployments
3.3Addressing deployment issues
4Effective Use of Harness Expressions and Variables
4.1Using Harness expressions and variables within deployments
4.2Managing and referring service variables at runtime
5Harness Configuration Management and Parameter Control
5.1Managing parameters securely using Harness
5.2Understanding and implementing values overrides
5.3Handling Helm Chart parameter control
6Secure and Efficient Artifact Management
6.1Onboarding new applications using Harness CD
6.2Integrating Harness with artifact repositories
7Implementing and Utilizing GitOps with Harness
7.1Understanding and addressing drift between Git and deployed workloads
7.2Managing Harness Git Experience for different entities
8Implementing and Managing Secret Management
8.1Integrating Harness with different Secrets Managers
8.2Ensuring secure handling of secrets in pipelines
9Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Provisioning Management
9.1Implementing IaC principles with Harness
9.2Troubleshooting IaC deployment issues
10Harness User and Access Management
10.1Implementing and managing user authentication
10.2Implementing and managing Role-Based Access Control within Harness
11Implementation of Policies and Governance in Deployment
11.1Implementing deployment halts or restrictions
11.2Managing stability during critical times
12Harness UI and UX Proficiency
12.1Navigating and utilizing Harness UI for configurations
12.2Efficiently locating and modifying configurations within the UI
13Custom and Advanced Deployment Strategies
13.1Creating and managing custom deployment strategies
13.2Handling deployment to various infrastructure types
14Advanced Troubleshooting and Optimization
14.1Implementing advanced troubleshooting steps in CD stages and pipelines
14.2Optimizing delegate usage and managing workload distribution

Next Steps

The Continuous Delivery Administrator exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow up to 90 mins for the knowledge exam and up to 2 hours for the hands on exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Register for an exam. There is a $50 fee for the exam
  3. Review the instructions for the Hands On Exam
  4. Take the exams
    1. There will be a knowledge and hands on portion.

Prepare for the Exam

Get Certified | Harness Expert

Continuous Delivery & GitOps - Architect

Harness Certified Expert - CD & GitOps ArchitectProduct version: Harness CD & GitOps Enterprise Plan

Review Study Guide

Assess key technical job functions and advanced skills in design, implementation and management of CD & GitOps. This exam builds upon the Continuous Delivery & GitOps Administrator Certification.
1. Harness Delegates Management
Understand and troubleshoot Delegate installation and connectivityInstall a delegate
Implement high availability for Harness DelegatesHigh availability
Manage Delegate upgradability and customization using INIT_SCRIPTInstall a delegate with third-party tool custom binaries
2. Security Practices in Harness
Apply the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) in Harness setupManage roles
Implement secure deployment practices in varied environmentsDeployment concepts and strategies
Manage and mitigate security concerns related to Delegate access and useRole-based access control (RBAC) in Harness
3. Designing and Implementing CD Pipelines in Harness
Develop and optimize pipelines using HarnessDeveloper day to day guide
Implement and manage pipeline templates using GitOps practicesBest practices and guidelines for templates
Manage artifacts and dependencies in pipeline stagesCD artifact sources
4. Infrastructure as Code and Configuration Management
Differentiate and apply concepts of IaC and Configuration Management within HarnessHarness Policy As Code quickstart
Implement and optimize the use of Terraform within Harness pipelinesTerraform Cloud provisioning
Handle and manage dependencies and initial requirements for IaC within HarnessHarness Policy As Code quickstart
5. Continuous Verification (CV) and Observability in Harness
Utilize various tools for logs and APM in CV strategiesAPM and logging tools
Implement effective observability and monitoring of Harness componentsMonitor deployments and services in CD dashboards
Understand and optimize feedback loops within CD pipelinesPipeline design guide
6. Utilizing and Managing Secrets and Configurations in Harness
Efficiently manage secrets within HarnessUse secrets managers
Ensure secure and optimal handling of configurationsKeep your pipelines DRY
7. Deployment Strategies and Rollbacks in Harness
Implement different deployment strategies (e.g., Canary, Blue-Green) using HarnessBlue Green deployment
Design and troubleshoot rollback strategies for failed deploymentsDeployment concepts and strategies
Manage and troubleshoot Helm and Umbrella Chart deployments in KubernetesDeploy using Helm Chart
8. Integrating and Optimizing the Use of Cloud Providers and Platforms in Harness
Implement optimal Harness setups for varied cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure)Deploy services on different platforms
Manage and troubleshoot deployments in varied environments (e.g., AWS EKS, Lambda)Deploy services on different platforms
9. Automating and Customizing Workflow Triggers in Harness
Design and implement custom pipeline triggers with parametersTrigger deployments using custom triggers
Ensure secure and authorized trigger execution in Harness workflowsManage input sets and triggers in Git Experience
10. Harness Best Practices for Scalable and Efficient CD
Implement best practices for utilizing Harness features for scalable and efficient CDScale Kubernetes pods
Optimize user experience and performance through effective management of Harness componentsMonitor deployments and services in CD dashboards
11. Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in Harness Environment
Develop proficiency in troubleshooting common issues within HarnessTroubleshoot Harness
Implement problem-solving strategies for diverse deployment and operational challengesContinuous delivery troubleshooting

Exam Details

The Continuous Delivery & GitOps Architect exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Continuous Delivery module.


Exam Details

Exam TypeDuration
Knowledge Exam90 minutes
Hands On Exam120 minutes
Covered DomainPercentage
Harness Delegates Management15%
Security Practices in Harness10%
Designing and Implementing CD Pipelines in Harness20%
Infrastructure as Code and Configuration Management15%
Continuous Verification (CV) and Observability in Harness10%
Utilizing and Managing Secrets and Configurations in Harness10%
Deployment Strategies and Rollbacks in Harness10%
Integrating and Optimizing Cloud Providers and Platforms5%
Automating and Customizing Workflow Triggers in Harness5%
Harness Best Practices for Scalable and Efficient CD5%
Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in Harness Environment5%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Harness Delegates Management
1.1Understand and troubleshoot Delegate installation and connectivity
1.2Implement high availability for Harness Delegates
1.3Manage Delegate upgradability and customization using INIT_SCRIPT
2Security Practices in Harness
2.1Apply the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) in Harness setup
2.2Implement secure deployment practices in varied environments
2.3Manage and mitigate security concerns related to Delegate access and use
3Designing and Implementing CD Pipelines in Harness
3.1Develop and optimize pipelines using Harness
3.2Implement and manage pipeline templates using GitOps practices
3.3Manage artifacts and dependencies in pipeline stages
4Infrastructure as Code and Configuration Management
4.1Differentiate and apply concepts of IaC and Configuration Management within Harness
4.2Implement and optimize the use of Terraform within Harness pipelines
4.3Handle and manage dependencies and initial requirements for IaC within Harness
5Continuous Verification (CV) and Observability in Harness
5.1Utilize various tools for logs and APM in CV strategies
5.2Implement effective observability and monitoring of Harness components
5.3Understand and optimize feedback loops within CD pipelines
6Utilizing and Managing Secrets and Configurations in Harness
6.1Efficiently manage secrets within Harness
6.2Ensure secure and optimal handling of configurations
7Deployment Strategies and Rollbacks in Harness
7.1Implement different deployment strategies (e.g., Canary, Blue-Green) using Harness
7.2Design and troubleshoot rollback strategies for failed deployments
7.3Manage and troubleshoot Helm and Umbrella Chart deployments in Kubernetes
8Integrating and Optimizing the Use of Cloud Providers and Platforms in Harness
8.1Implement optimal Harness setups for varied cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure)
8.2Manage and troubleshoot deployments in varied environments (e.g., AWS EKS, Lambda)
9Automating and Customizing Workflow Triggers in Harness
9.1Design and implement custom pipeline triggers with parameters
9.2Ensure secure and authorized trigger execution in Harness workflows
10Harness Best Practices for Scalable and Efficient CD
10.1Implement best practices for utilizing Harness features for scalable and efficient CD
10.2Optimize user experience and performance through effective management of Harness components
11Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in Harness Environment
11.1Develop proficiency in troubleshooting common issues within Harness
11.2Implement problem-solving strategies for diverse deployment and operational challenges

Next Steps

The Continuous Delivery Architect exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow up to 90 mins for the knowledge exam and up to 2 hours for the hands-on exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Register for an exam. There is a $50 fee for the exam
  3. Review the instructions for the Hands-On Exam
  4. Take the exams
    1. There will be a knowledge and hands-on portion.