Harness YAML overview
You can use YAML to create pipelines in Harness
Add a stage
Learn how to add and configure a pipeline stage.
Download execution logs
Download pipeline or step execution logs via the UI.
Input sets and overlays
With input sets and overlays, you can reuse a single pipeline for multiple scenarios.
Run specific stages in pipeline
Run specific stages in a pipeline.
Mark stage as failed
Mark a stage as failed during execution.
View and compare pipeline executions
View and compare the YAML used for pipeline executions.
Search the console view
When viewing execution details, you can search logs in the console view.
Define a failure strategy on stages and steps
Currently, only the All Errors Failure Type is supported. A failure strategy defines how your stages and steps handle different failure conditions. The failure strategy contains error conditions that…
Rollback pipelines
Rollback pipelines to handle different failure conditions.
Pipeline chaining in Harness
Chain your pipelines in Harness to create complex workflows.
Abort a pipeline, stage, or step
Abort pipeline, stage, or step execution
Allow public access to executions
Learn how to allow public access to pipeline executions.
Matrices, loops, and parallelism
4 items
Retry failed executions from any stage
Describes how to resume Pipeline deployments that fail during execution.
Pipeline and steps reference
4 items